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Pressure Testing

Страна Местонахождения или Хранения: Норвегия
Онлайн Поддержка 24/7: Нет
Интерпретация Данных: Нет

Toolserv As provides innovative and cost-efficient services to help you solve your high-pressure test tasks. Experienced test engineers and technicians carry out tests for you, swiftly and reliably. Our services provide you the opportunity to determine the performance parameters and quality features of your products while still in the prototype stage and under real-life conditions. High Pressure testing of equipment will be performed in a dedicated test cell up to 14 meters length. Toolserv AS offers pressure testing service up to 20,000 psi as standard although higher pressures can be achieved if required. All pressure tests are logged with electronic pressure transducers with graphs provided to the customer. All transducers have current calibration certificate issued by a 3rd party inspection and calibration company. We also log temperature using electronic transducers to obtain the best possible picture of the test conditions. Pressure charts are signed by operator and will be issued as part of the documentation package together with the calibration certificate. Toolserv can provide you with the level of hydrostatic testing you need.

Toolserv AS

Количество сотрудников: 8
Основные продукты/сервисы: Casing, tubing, liner, connectors, OCTD & acc; Coiled tubing tools & acc; Down hole pressure control equipment; Drill bits; Freight forwarding & logistics management services; Other construction & maintenance services; Pressure testing services; Rental of drill pipe services