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Search Measuring Signaling device ISP-Pm1703Gna-II

(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: ИСП-PM1703ГНА-II
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Belarus
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: No
Price: Call for price
ISP-РМ1703ГНА-II is a new gamma-neutron search device with an improved search algorithm and the function of extracting natural radionuclides.
Principle of operation

The device is equipped with two highly sensitive detectors: a Csl (TI) scintillation detector and a 6 Lif / ZnS neutron detector and is designed to detect and localize gamma and neutron radiation sources, as well as to measure the individual dose equivalent (DER) and individual dose equivalent (ED) )

When exceeding the established threshold levels (DER, gamma or neutron channels), the device gives light, sound and vibration warning signals. In search mode, the count rate for gamma and neutron channels is displayed on the device screen in pulses per second.

The non-volatile memory of the device stores up to 1000 events that can be transmitted for further processing to a PC via USB, or via Bluetooth (for modifications of the ISP-PM1703GA-II BT / PM1703GA-II MBT) to a smartphone / tablet.

The device is simple and convenient to operate, has a low weight and compact size. Shock-resistant and moisture-resistant housing allows the device to be used both indoors and outdoors.

Categorization of radionuclides

Upon reaching the threshold level on the gamma channel, the device categorizes the detected source. When the source belongs to natural (NORM) radionuclides, a flashing green light is emitted. If the detected radionuclide is of a different type, a flashing red light is emitted.

Available Modifications

ISP-RM1703GNA-II - basic modification

ISP-RM1703GNA-II VT - differs from the basic modification by the presence of a Bluetooth channel

ISP-РМ1703ГНА-II МВТ - differs from ISP-РМ1703ГНА-II in the extended DER measurement range, the presence of the ED measurement mode and the Bluetooth radio channel


The device can be delivered in a special case, which provides additional protection in adverse weather conditions and accidental falls.

Detector Csl (TI), 6 LiF / ZnS / 6 LiI (Eu)
The sensitivity of the device to gamma radiation:
for 241 Am 200 s -1 / (μSv / h)
for 137 Cs 100 s -1 / (μSv / h)
Sensitivity to neutron radiation:
for Pu- α-Be 0,035 cpm cm2 / neutron
for thermal neutrons 1.2 cpm cm2 / neutron
Recorded Energy Range from 0.033 to 3.0 MeV
The energy range of the recorded neutron radiation from thermal (0.025 eV) to 14.0 MeV
DER measurement range 0.1 to 100.0 μSv / h
The limit of permissible basic relative error of DER measurement ± 30%
Range of indication of counting speed during registration of photon radiation in search mode 1.0 to 9999 s -1
Indication range of neutron emission count rate 1.0 to 999 s -1
Device uptime not less than 800 hours (with an average background radiation value of up to 0.3 μSv / h; using LCD backlight, sound and vibration alarms - not more than 5 min / day)
Type of alarm sound; vibrational; light
Record history no less than 2000 events
Operating temperature range from - 40 ° С to + 50 ° С
Relative humidity up to 98% at 35 ° C
Degree of protection of the case IP65
The device is resistant to falling onto a concrete floor from a height 0.7 m.
Physical parameters:
the size 87x72x32 mm.
weight 240 gr.
Data channel USB

LLC "LLC Polimaster"

Locations: Belarus, Minsk
Main Products/Services: Developer and manufacturer of radiation monitoring equipment
Year Established: 1992