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Development of the Section "Fire Safety Measures"

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Development of the section "Fire Safety Measures"

"Fire safety measures" is a mandatory section of the design documentation. It is based on the description and justification of design decisions of the designed capital construction facility. There are many variations of the name of this document:

  • Fire Safety Event Section (BCH)
  • Fire Prevention Project
  • Section MRP (fire fighting measures)
  • Project for fire safety
  • Fire safety project section

The official name of the document (in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008) is the section “Measures to ensure fire safety” (in abbreviated form - the section of the MPSB).

The BCH section contains text and graphic parts. The textual part describes the technical fire protection systems, solutions according to the master plan, space-planning and structural solutions, etc. The graphic part of the PPM section includes a situational plan, evacuation schemes, structural diagrams of fire protection systems. The exact composition of the Fire Safety Events section is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008.

Development of fire safety measures (features)

The development of fire safety measures (fire prevention measures) is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory requirements in the field of fire safety. If regulatory and technical documents in the field of safety management do not establish requirements for technically complex and unique objects, it is necessary to develop STU. At the same time, the development of Fire Safety Measures should be carried out in accordance with both the current requirements of safety standards and the requirements of STU.

Ideally, the design of fire-prevention measures and the development of STU should be carried out in parallel and preferably by one organization. This allows you to most efficiently perform the design, maximize the flexibility of the standardization system and avoid the additional costs of re-developing or updating the documentation.

After the development of the Fire Safety section is completed, this section is subject to verification and approval as part of the project documentation as part of the State Project Expertise.

So, with a professional approach, the development of the MPSB should consist of several basic stages:

  • analysis of preliminary design decisions for compliance with safety requirements;
  • development of recommendations for eliminating deviations and advising the general designer on issues of amending other sections of the project from the standpoint of fire safety standards;
  • development of preliminary options for substantiating deviations from the requirements of the safety requirements and the lack of design standards, (if necessary, preparation of proposals and technical specifications for risk calculation or development of STU);
  • the development of planning measures (development of fire prevention measures) - in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008;
  • calculations for fire risk assessment (if necessary);
  • accompaniment of the section Fire safety measures at the stage of passing the Expertise (analysis of the comments submitted to the section, elimination of the comments by amending the section or justifying the incorrectness of the comments submitted to the Expert).

This approach to work determines the high quality and cost of services. As in the case of STU, the quality of services for the development of the Fire Safety Events section strongly depends on the level of qualification and experience of fire safety engineers performing this work. Good knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of safety management and the ability to navigate it allows the most flexible use of the standardization system to implement the wishes of the Customer, avoiding unnecessary costs and irrational design decisions for the Investor.

The high-quality development of Fire safety measures often makes it possible to exclude the costs of expensive STU, since during the design process the Customer can choose between:

  • design solutions strictly within the fire safety standards


  • design solutions for which there are no safety standards (which entails the development of STU).

Section of the BCH and the role of fire risk in it

The Fire safety measures section may include a calculation of fire risk. The value of fire risk obtained as a result of calculations according to current methods can be used only as:

  • confirmation of compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ;
  • justification for deviation from the requirements of the Code of Rules (JV), which are taken into account in the calculation;

that is, only some of the requirements of the law and some of the provisions of the joint venture.

Thus, from the point of view of common sense (in practice, it could be different), the calculation of fire risk assessment as part of the Fire Safety Event project helps to justify deviations only from those norms whose parameters are taken into account in the approved calculation methods.

The calculation of risk cannot justify deviations from those requirements of the joint venture that confirm other articles of Federal Law No. 123-FZ and have nothing to do with the calculation of fire risk.

Theoretically, the BCH section can be carried out in strict accordance with fire safety standards without calculating fire risk, but in most cases, the presence of a risk calculation (and sometimes agreed by STU) increases the likelihood of a successful project passing at the Examination stage.

Cost of developing the Fire Safety section

The cost of developing the planning section and its support at the stage of examination is determined individually for each object (similar to assessing the cost of developing STU). At a qualified developer of the project “Fire Safety Measures”, the cost estimate is always based on determining the volume of labor. Labor costs depend on the specifics of the design decisions of the object, and not exclusively on the area of the object. Therefore, to prepare a commercial proposal, it is necessary to provide the developer with an outline sketch for evaluation, including a general explanatory note, a master plan, floor plans, sections, a description of production processes, etc. (if any).

To estimate the cost of the Fire Safety Events section, the IPC company always asks for the above source data. After an express analysis of the design materials (outline design), we determine the labor costs, cost and terms of work. Despite the fact that the express analysis is carried out mainly only to assess the volume and cost of developing the section of the MPSA, already at this stage obvious inconsistencies of the project are sometimes revealed. In this case, as a rule, the client receives a notification of violations identified along with a quotation for the development of planning measures.


Locations: Russia Moscow
Main Products/Services: Fire and emergency risk management
Registration: Russia Moscow