Local Control Systems (LCS)
(Equipment / Material)
Model Number: LMS101001
Condition: New
Location or Storage Country: Russia
Location: Tyumen
Service Engineering Support: Yes
Warranty: Yes
Price: Call for price
LOCAL CONTROL SYSTEMS (LCS) LCS – Local Process Control System. Such a system is usually a single control cabinet and includes a programmable logic controller, visualization tools and process control tools locally, at the location of the process equipment. LCS can control a separate process unit or assembly. Details Purpose: Automated control, process control in real time; processing of data from the lower level, impact on the automation object in accordance with developed algorithms. Application: Process units and auxiliary equipment of various processes and industries that require prompt response to changes in the operating parameters of the controlled automation object.

Tyumen Device
Locations: Russia
Main Products/Services: Automation systems engineering
Year Established: 2002