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OOO "MG-Servis"

Locations: Russia Moscow
Registration: Russia Moscow
Main Products/Services: The solution of innovative problems in the field of marine engineering and geological surveys and underwater operations; production of remote-controlled underwater vehicles and geophysical equipment

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Marine Geo Service specializes in solving innovative problems in the field of marine engineering and geological surveys, performing underwater operations and manufacturing equipment for their implementation.

Many years of experience in implementing non-standard projects, together with highly qualified personnel, allow us to independently solve the most complex problems.

  • 10-year experience of successful work with Russian and foreign customers (more than 50 contracts and agreements have been completed)
  • Knowledge of the specifics of various water areas of the Russian shelf
  • An individual approach to each engineering and geological task
  • Providing the optimal set of methods to achieve your goals
  • Availability of our own fleet and equipment for drilling engineering-geological wells, taking geological samples and conducting geophysical studies
  • Performing both individual types of research and complex engineering-geological surveys

The company's team consists of highly qualified professionals with many years of experience and sharing an understanding of the overall strategy. Experienced developers, engineers, programmers, geologists, geophysicists, hydrographs - this is our human capital, which we are rightly proud of. A single team spirit, interchangeability and an atmosphere of creativity contribute to the high-quality solution of complex technical and commercial problems.

The personnel policy of our company is based on continuous improvement of approaches to personnel management and improvement of production conditions. The symbiosis of modern motivational tools, the efficient organization of work and caring for the team stimulate the corporate spirit, initiative and creativity, which in turn increases labor productivity and helps reduce professional risks.

Thanks to active participation in extraordinary, complex projects, our specialists have successfully mastered a wide range of modern high-tech equipment along with innovative technologies for marine research, which is also facilitated by regular internships and special trainings of personnel in marine conditions, organized also with the participation of our own fleet.