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LLC "Diapak"

Locations: Russia Moscow
Registration: Russia Moscow
Main Products/Services: Supply of AE devices, supply and support of monitoring systems. Risk-sensitive PCMS service for enterprise equipment

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The company DIAPAK carries out works on non-destructive testing, technical diagnostics and examination of high-risk facilities under the jurisdiction of Rostekhnadzor of Russia. These include main and technological pipelines, petrochemical plants and tanks, equipment of nuclear and thermal stations, metal and reinforced concrete bridges, as well as much more. We use modern non-destructive testing devices and high technology for technical diagnostics using various non-destructive testing methods, such as acoustic emission, ultrasound and vibration diagnostics, which allows for the technical diagnosis of industrial equipment without decommissioning. Diapak is licensed by Rostekhnadzor of Russia.

DIAPAK company supplies high-quality non-destructive testing and diagnostic equipment manufactured by the international holding Mistras Group, which unites companies - manufacturers of non-destructive testing devices and enterprises engaged in technical diagnostics.

DIAPAK is the only Russian company that is a member of this holding. The foundation of the holding is Physical Acoustics Corporation (PAC), a recognized global leader in acoustic emission technology.

The equipment supplied is highly reliable and certified by the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

DIAPAK employees have more than 30 years of experience in the development and use of acoustic systems in nuclear energy (RRC Kurchatov Institute), pipeline transport (VNIIST), and other industries. All specialists have certificates of 2 and 3 levels for work in different areas of the Tax Code, as well as international certificates.