
Geophysical Surveys

Online Support Service: No
Interpretation of Data: No

Geophysical surveys are conducted to:

  • study of the geological structure of the upper part of the section (VChR);
  • determining the position of the rock roof and assessing the degree of danger of karst-suffusion processes;
  • determining the position of the roof of water-saturated rocks;
  • building a high-speed and deep seismic section;
  • determining the position of the boundaries of frozen, unfrozen rocks;
  • determining the presence of stray currents;
  • determination of soil corrosion activity.
  • constructing a section of the electrical resistivity of soils;


  • Seismic studies using the method of reflected waves (in the modification of multiple overlappings - the common deep point, OGT) and the method of refracted waves (MPV)
  • Electrical exploration studies using the method of natural electric field (EP), vertical electric sounding (VES), dipole electric sounding (DEZ), electroprofiling (EP).

LLC "Geotransengineering"

地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: A complex of geological surveys in the construction of new and operation of existing facilities
注册: Russia Moscow