Product / Equipment


型号编号: 413873а
状态: New
位置或存放国家: Russia
位置: Russia / Chelyabinsk
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: No
价钱: RUB17,994
Threaded gauges for controlling conical inch threads with a profile angle of 60 degrees. GOST 6485-69 Working calibers (corks and rings) should be made of three types: RR - threaded working; R-SP - special threaded workers; RG - smooth workers. Working calibers must be made in two versions: 1 - single-stage, with a step in the main plane; 2 - three-stage, with ledges in the main plane and in the planes corresponding to the largest and smallest limiting sizes. Control plug gauges (counter-calibers) should be made of three types: К-Р - threaded counter-calibers for rings of type РР Р; K-SP - special threaded counter-calibers for R-SP type rings; KG - smooth gauges for rings of type RG.

Uralinstrumentimpex LLC

员工总数: 32
地点: Russia / Chelyabinsk
主要产品/服务: Production and sale of threaded gauges and measuring instruments
注册: Russia / Chelyabinsk