
Processing and Interpretation of Airborne Geophysical data

Online Support Service: No
Interpretation of Data: Yes
The principal difference between GNOG Aerogeophysics and other service companies offering services in performing airborne geophysical surveys is turnkey work, including a complete geological and geophysical interpretation of the results of the work. Our specialists have developed original technologies and algorithms for interpreting geological and geophysical data aimed at solving the widest range of forecasting and search tasks.

The company's specialists perform a comprehensive geological and geophysical interpretation of airborne geophysical, aerospace, geochemical and geological data.

Examples of geological problems to be solved may include:

  • Clarification of the deep structure of the territory with the construction of maps of structural-material complexes of the basement and tectonic maps.
  • The forecast of radical diamondiferous. As a result of a complex analysis, magnetic anomalies are distinguished, their ranking is carried out, a catalog of promising anomalies is compiled, the coordinates of which are transferred to the structural-tectonic diagram.
  • Drawing up a forecast-metallogenic map for solid minerals. At the same time, ore-promising zones, nodes, objects are highlighted and recommendations are given on the direction and sequence of geological exploration.
  • The study of the morphology of sedimentary cover structures and the identification of forecast and search geophysical criteria for the placement of oil and gas bearing different rank geological structures. As a result, a layout of potentially promising oil and gas geological structures of an appropriate scale is compiled.

Airborne geophysics has a wide range of modern systems for processing and interpreting geological and geophysical information both of its own design and industry leaders (Geosoft, ESRI, etc.). When solving geological problems, the following interpretation methods can be used:

  • Estimation of the depths of the upper and lower edges of anomalous objects based on methods for localizing singular points;
  • building volumetric models of the distribution of effective properties;
  • 3D modeling;
  • zoning algorithms for the territory according to a set of features, working both in automatic and interactive mode;
  • methods of local quantitative interpretation aimed at identifying and evaluating the parameters of isolated geological bodies;
  • methods of probabilistic and statistical analysis aimed at identifying indirect criteria and signs of localization of mineralization;
  • various filtering of source fields and geophysical models.

Re-processing and a new interpretation of previously performed geophysical surveys are also possible. If necessary, collection, analysis and evaluation of stock geological and geophysical information is carried out.

AO «GNPP« Aerogeophysics »

地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: Integrated airborne geophysical surveys
注册: Russia Moscow