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Favorite companies

For your convenience, our site has a section Favorites. This section saves the companies that you liked so that you can easily and quickly go to the card of the desired company. To go to the section, there is a link in the menu of your personal account, as well as in the top menu in the header of the site:


Favorite in the menu (mob.version)Favorite in the menu


To add a company to the favorites section, go to its card and click on the label with a heart-shaped image at the bottom of its description:


Кнопка добавления в избранное в карточке компании (моб. версия)Кнопка добавления в избранное в карточке компании


The heart will turn into a filled one, which means that the company has been added to your list. The quickest way to go to the list of your favorite companies is from the menu in the site header:


Компания добавилась в избранное (моб. версия)Компания добавилась в избранное


Adding a product to your favorites is the same way. Find and click the "Add to favorites" button with a picture in the form of a heart:


Favorite button in the product (mob.version)Favorite button in the product


The heart will turn into a filled one, which means that the product has been added to your list. Go to the favorites list in the menu in the site header:


The product added in the favorite (mob. version)The product added in the favorite


To remove a company or product from your list, click on the heart icon on the right side of the card:


Favorite - your favorite company and product list (mob. version)Favorite - your favorite company and product list